Environmental Strategist and Change Agent
Conscious business is our second nature.
Nature has many gifts to give but perhaps the greatest is the intense delight we experience in the natural world. Why nature? We are not entirely sure, but one explanation derived from the evolutionary biologist E.O Wilson’s ‘biophilia” theory poses that there are evolutionary reasons we are drawn to nature experiences.
We might have a preference to be in beautiful natural spaces because they are resource rich environments providing optimal food, comfort and shelter. These evolutionary needs could explain why we prefer nature to be part of the architecture.
The evidence however is mounting to show that it is for the positive impacts of nature on our social, psychological and emotional lives that we seek out nature. Nature helps humanity flourish and supports our wellbeing.
By realigning ourselves with what occurs in nature, we design next-generation businesses that recognise their connections to the environment.
We help business to respect, protect and learn from the complex systems that sustain us and weave into practice nature’s wisdom.
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
Albert Einstein
Conscious Business understands that protecting and restoring our environment is essential for continuity.
Let’s meet up to to transform challenges into opportunities for good change.
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